I found out the answer for this through listening to Bob Proctor in the Science of Getting Rich (SGR) program and I will share the answer with you now.
Here’s Bob Proctor in his own words:
“How come some people are making millions of dollars, while others are scrambling just to get by? ….The answer is they are operating through different income strategy.
The very worse income strategy is used by vast majority of the people. 96% of our population are following an income strategy that WILL NOT permit them to become wealthy or if they do, it’s at the EXPENCE OF LIFE ! This income strategy is what I referring to as M1…
M1 is used by 96 out of every 100 people. And yet, they are only earing 1% of the money that is being earned. It’s a little ridiculous if you look at it. This is where people are trading their time for money. This strategy has an inherent problem, it’s call saturation. We run out of time. Everyone get exactly the same amount of time. So it’s not how much time we have, it’s what we do with the time because everyone has the same amount. IF you are trading your time for money, it really doesn’t matter how much you are earning an hour, you’re going to run out of time and therefore you have a limit of how much money you can earn. And yet, that’s the strategy that we learned in school and generally we see our friends and relatives are following so we just follow and use the same strategy.
M2 is a better strategy and it’s only use by 3% of the population , M2 is when you invest money to make money. Well, there is usually problem with this strategy because many of the people who are investing don’t know what they are doing , and frequently make a poor investment and they lose their money. M2 is a good strategy if it works properly. If you don’;t know how to make money you should get advice from someone who has demonstrated by result so they know what they are talking about.
M3 is a stategy I stumble on many many years ago, and it’s a strategy that enables you to take the lid of your income.
M3 is where you multiply your time through the effort of others by setting up multiple sources of income.
It’s a strategy that is historically used by all wealthy people. IT’s used by 1% of the population but they make 96 % of all the money that is being earned. Think about that for a moment . As ridiculously as it sound, it’s the fact.
You can move into the M3 category if you follow the strategy that we have laid down in this program and you decide to share this secret science of getting rich with other people , you’re automatically moving to the M3 category.
Wallace Wattles went on to point out, that if you give someone more in use value than you take from them in cash value, then you are adding to the life of the world with every transaction! When you share the SGR program with other people, I can guarantee you that you are adding to the life of others with every business transaction! You are moving yourself into the M3 category and you are going to begin to multiply your income.
There is no reason why you can’t turn your annual income into monthly income.
Click here to read more about the SGR program.

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