Friday 22 June 2007

Making your Dreams Come True!

If a Genie are to allow you your wishes… what will it be?

Remember that your wish is your own command!

Ask for what you want!
What do you really want?
Explain how your life to be?
Answer to what you are asking
You don’t have to know how … the universe will answer you
Receive the wish
Align yourself to what you want … have the feeling of what you really want
Be one with it …

Remember that there are always ways to achieve our dreams…
Can we sit down and ask as to what we really want in a positive term? Can we explain how it will be when we achieve the dream? What will we see, hear or feel? The more vivid the picture or the movie that we can play in our mind would increase and intensify the dream… and our thoughts will send signals to help us attract

Now start working towards your dreams! We can attract but at the end of the DAY we have to take actions! We may not know how … but massive actions will attract more towards our direction of our DREAMS

Lastly, ask yourself if you really want it! If you want it you will want to receive it! You will be able to see it, hear it, feel It and you know that you are going to take it ..

Take action now to master your dreams …

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