Friday, 22 June 2007

What is the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a universal law that states that similar vibrations are attracted to one another. To picture it, it is a lot like how magnets are attracted to one another.

What The Secret shares with us is that thoughts have a certain vibration. And that these thoughts will attract similar vibrations i.e. circumstances, events into our lives. A very oversimplified way to put it, is that we attract events and circumstances into our lives by virtue of what we think about. There are of course more to it than that and The Secret does a very good job of introducing us to this idea.

Is it an original idea from the creators of the movie? No it isn't. This concept has been around for a very long time and has been described in various literature throughout the ages. The Secret has simply made this information more accessible to people by sharing the Law of Attraction in an easy to understand and very entertaining manner.

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